The Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak at Vroman’s Bookstore Pasadena

B.J. Novak The Book With No Pictures at Vroman's Pasadena

One of the most fun book signing events I’ve been to was B.J. Novak’s reading and book signing event of “The Book With No Pictures” at Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena last Oct. 25th. The Book With No Pictures is a New York Times number one bestseller. Novak wanted to write a book where parents can read to their child and prove it can be entertaining without pictures and inspire them to learn to read.

BJ Novak at Vromans Bookstore

I brought my two younger boys with the age of 5 and 9 because “The Book With No Pictures” is a book for kids. As we were waiting for Novak, I didn’t even notice he was standing beside me and was waiting for his name to be called by the host. Dressed in a simple blue striped shirt and blue jeans, Novak looked just a regular guy. This regular guy graduated from Harvard University and is an actor, comedian, screenwriter, author, actor and director. Novak is also known to be a writer and co-executive producer of “The Office” TV show in which he plays Ryan Howard who has an on-again, off-again relationship with the chatterbox Kelly Kapoor played by Mindy Kaling. He is also currently an executive producer of the Mindy Kaling Project. Novak’s first TV exposure was MTV’s Punk’d. He was the lead accomplice to Ashton Kutcher on the show’s second season.

BJ Novak promoting The Book With No Pictures

One of the best ways to write is to think what kind of book you wish you have and if you can’t find it, write it yourself – B.J. Novak

Going back to “The Book with No Pictures” when Novak started to read TBWNP he brought the huge version of the book which libraries have. As Novak started reading, I noticed kids as young as three, including my son Spencer were so intrigued and engrossed.  In addition, what makes the book click with the kids are the made up silly words like Gluur ga-wocko, AiiEE AiiEE, ma GRUMPH-a-doo. And of course my son’s favorite silly word is Boo Boo Butt. During Q and A, being a writer myself, Novak has instilled in me a powerful quote… “One of the best ways to write is to think what kind of book you wish you have and if you can’t find it, write it yourself…if you are looking for a book and you just can’t find that perfect book for your interest I would suggest writing yourself.”

Still to this day,  my five year old son still asks our family to read the book for him and he still still chuckles. I am so diggin’ this book that I strongly recommend it to every parents who have toddlers. So parents get ready for some giggles and guffaws.

Spencer Freibrun and BJ Novak

B.J. Novak Vromans Pasadena

B.J. Novak Book signing event at Vromans


Autographed Book by BJ Novak The Book With No Pictures

Here are some videos and  from the event. Hope you enjoy it.


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