After The Red Rain by Barry Lyga, Peter Facinelli, Robert DeFranco
On August 6, Peter Facinelli (Dr. Cullen of Twilight Saga, Dr. Fitch Cooper of Nurse Jackie) and Barry Lyga (New York Times bestselling author) attended a book signing event for their new book “After the Red Rain” at Barnes and Noble The Grove Los Angeles.
“After The Red Rain” is a captivating post-apocalyptic, cyber fiction novel with some intriguing romantic sub-plots. The ruined planet earth has 50 billion people where resources are scarce and no one can remember how exactly it got to a dystopian future. The story unfolds when Deedra‘s (the main character”) life begins to change when she met a boy named Rose. Later on, Deedra realizes that Rose may be the key to saving the dying world but the twist is she needs to save him first.
The book signing event consisted of a reading by Peter and Barry, signing, photo-op with the fans and Q&A. I brought my eldest son and while waiting for the authors, he couldn’t put the book down. But the highlight for me was my interview with Peter Facinelli before the event.
The casually clad Facinelli was very kind and friendly when I entered the room. The interview took about five minutes and after that he chatted with my son for a bit then we headed to the podium for the meet and greet.
Here is the interview prior to the meet and greet.
Reading by Facinelli andLyga
After the reading, a discussion of the book took place.
“In this world people don’t know what the truth is. And so these two chracters are really out searching for truth. There’s a power in that to keep people naive at things. If people don’t know the truth and they don’t know what things are then you can control them easier. That’s kind of dystopian future that we have.” – Peter Facinelli“It’s tough to find the truth because again, things have been bad for so long. It’s been hundreds of years… nobody knows… there’s no historical record, the only hisotrical records that they have at all…. they keep getting change, they don’t have the internet. They have something called the wikinet which as you can imagine people keep editing so nobody knows what the truth is because if you look at it this week it says one thing and then you can look at the next week it says something else and you don’t know what the truth.” – Barry Lyga
After the event, my teenage son couldn’t put the book down. He finished it in a week. I asked him for his review of ‘After The Red Rain’. He said, “What I like about it is the clever title, once you read more of the story you’ll find out why it’s called that. It’s really interesting. I like how the characters are represented and the way they described the world. It was very disturbing and made me really ponder our future here on earth.”
Grab your copy now at Barnes and Noble.
Special thanks to Lita Weismann
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