Since the inauguration of Frieze Los Angeles last year at the Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, I see to it that I attend this event. When I went to the first one in 2019, I said to myself, “Someday, I will bring my mom here and my family.” Mom loved to go to interesting and beautiful places and always wanted to put it on her Facebook account after visiting the place. That didn’t happen, mom passed away on January 31st, before Frieze LA. So I went to Frieze on my own on Feb 15, 2020. Going to Frieze was very therapeutic for me as I was still healing from mom’s passing away.
It was actually a perfect weather on February 15. As you enter Paramount Studio backlot, you’ll see a galore of fuschia pink signs that say Frieze Los Angeles. It was like walking in art heaven in a classic Hollywood studio. If you like to take a chock-full of photo-ops, this is the place. A gallery of art works from Shanghai to London to Brussels to Hong Kong and New York were showcased in the big white tent.

The New York streetscape back lot is the place to chill with some food and drinks while people watching and perusing art installations such as outdoor billboards, led neon art and outdoor sculpture. One example is Jibade-Khalil Huffman’s piece on Grace Jones’ character in “A View to a Kill“, purposefully foregrounds Black female power.

According to LA Magazine, Frieze Los Angeles attracted 35,000 people to the Paramount back lot for four days of art. The movie studio-turned art space had 75 galleries inside the exhibition tent and the NYC streetscape.

I can’t wait to visit again next year.

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