Fresh from being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame with her band the Go-Go’s in October in Cleveland, Ohio, Gina Schock the drummer of the band, launched her book “Gina Schock All Access with the Go-Go’s Made in Hollywood. The event was held on Nov. 5, 2021 at a cozy restaurant called Harley Laguna Beach. The restaurant was packed and guests/fans enjoyed an intimate night with the rock historian/musician/artist which included two premium drinks and delectable tray-passed appetizers. The first part of the evening, fans just chatted with Gina and reminisced about those good ‘ol days in the 80s. When I greeted “Hey Gina!” She replied , “Hi baby!” She is truly warm and down-to-earth. I’ve always been a fan of the Go-Go’s since I was 13 and dreamed of meeting them someday. When I was in intermediate school in Montebello (one of the cities in Los Angeles), I bought almost every magazine they were in it at Thrifty or Montgomery Ward. At that time I was living with our family friend in Montebello because we just came from the Philippines and was so jealous of my cousin because she was able to buy a picture disc of “We’ve got the Beat”. I vividly recalled buying this “Star Hits” magazine where they had a great photo of the group and admired their fashion style in every sense of the word. And yes, I was in most of their concerts, meet and greets but never been in an intimate setting so this was like a dream came true, not to mention in my neck of the woods in Orange County. I chatted with Gina face to face and told her I’ve been a fan since I was 13 and now I’m 52. I also told her that I’m a blogger and wanted to ask her some questions that I wanted to share with all the fans out there.

Ruchel: What do you think of the turn out?
Gina: I’m happy everybody’s here. You know what I mean, like I can’t believe it. I’m the biggest fan of everybody. I love everybody you know.
Ruchel: What was your inspiration for writing this book?
Gina: Having years and years of having these photographs of the band and everything that was going on over the last 40 years … I just needed to put it together in one place and we tried to put it on this book and it actually happened. It’s my own personal viewpoint of everything that was going on. Everything in here is from inside memories. It doesn’t get better than that. I feel like this is the best thing I’ve given for our fans. This book is about our fans. This book is for the Go-Go’s fans.
Ruchel: What do you think of Laguna Beach?
Gina: It’s lovely. It’s a lovely place.
Before Gina signed her book and after my chat with her, she greeted her fans and made a quick speech:
“I feel so lucky and I’m so grateful for what I have because I’m just a kid from Baltimore. And my dream came true. And this is all I ever wanted. My book is the combination of over 40 years of me taking photographs and my stories being in the band and so it’s like you can’t get a better perspective than from somebody’s in the band. It’s pretty real and honest and I think you all know that.“
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