Goat Yoga at Goods and Goats Market in San Juan Capistrano

I always wanted to try Goat Yoga. I’m one of those culture seekers who always want to experience the latest craze whether it be food, restaurants, new spots, exhibits, etc. And so, when an ad showed up on my social media, it didn’t take long for me to decide to take goat yoga classes. Goods and Goats Market in San Juan Capistrano was the place I picked to try goat yoga for the first time. The place was charming. You feel that you’re in a farm away from the city. The goats are very well kept. The farm is clean and just adorable. As you walk in, you will find a delightful little shop where they sell homemade soaps. But what attracted me most was the staff. The staff was super friendly. They made sure you will have a memorable experience. As an Instagram aficionado, you don’t need to ask them to take your photos. They will take your photos with the goats while you’re doing goat yoga. In addition, I have never been to a farm that smells so good that’s because they have incense everywhere.

And so, I fell in love with the place. I decided to feature Goods and Goats on my blog. Here’s a Q&A with the owner Lani to get to know the Goods and Goats Market even better. Read on!

Goods and Goats Market in San Juan Capistrano - popbuff.com
Goods and Goats Market in San Juan Capistrano

When was Goods and Goats Market established and what inspired you to have this business?
Lani: I established Goods and Goats Market with my sister-in-law Krista in the late winter of 2018. I was selling my soaps and such at other markets and I had a farm with four baby goats and eight others, so I was like why not have my own market. I was creative and marketing and Krista was the organization. Then my husband James saw goat yoga on Vines Videos. We tried it with our baby goats, and it was instant fun! We soon realized the interest was with goat yoga and my focus went there. Meanwhile Krista was earning many promotions at work and her time was far too valuable for this enterprise. However, she still does all our legal documents. The first year I was not really committed to the dream. The demand was so high by year two, so I had no choice but to dive in head first. I can’t tell you enough how scary it was for a 50-year-old mother of four who did books and paperwork and found the confidence and courage to take the chance. In the beginning I did it all myself. I hired my first employee in September 2018. She is still with me today and an intricate part of my ability to grow! Her parents who are both commercial jet pilots have helped almost every Saturday morning in baby goat yoga since September 2018 as well. They have been the most incredible friends and blessing in my life. We have also enjoyed the help of volunteers that help care for the goats and keep our costs low so we can continue to enhance the experience.

Goods and Goats Market in San Juan Capistrano
Photo courtesy of Goods and Goats Market San Juan Capistrano

During those years of this business, what have you learned, and what was the most memorable experience?
Lani: I have learned soooooo many things creating this business. I can’t list all of them. Here are a few though:

  1. I am a very capable woman!
  2. I have succeeded at everything I put my talents to.
  3. I am worthy.
  4. Hard work, creativity, and teamwork make magic.
  5. Kindness is free and sharing with others is my life goal.
  6. I have the power to show younger women their voices.
  7. I can change my world one small moment at a time. It’s been so amazing.

What makes Goods and Goats Market different from other businesses that offer the same model too?
Lani: The first thing is the setting. Our farm is a piece of art. So many things to see and touch. I have also heard that my crazy, happy, furry kids are far more interactive and complete YOGA FREAKS than other farms have. All I know is they love it, and BLISS HAPPENS in every class.

Goat Yoga for kids at Goods and Goats Market - Spencer Freibrun - popbuff.com

What was the most challenging part of running Good and Goats Market?
Lani: The most challenging aspect of my business is goat herd management – keeping them healthy, happy, clean, fed, bred, and my numbers low. It is hard to have goat yoga the way we do it with full grown goats. I am also completely obsessed with Baby Goats so I will always have a few, but my long-term plan is to breed my herd down to a very small min I goat herd that can always be small enough for yoga. I do adopt out a few pairs of goats each year to homes that will offer the care and affection they receive here.

Popbuff blogger Ruchel Freibrun goat yoga at Goods and Goats Market San Juan Capistrano

What can new customers expect when they sign up?
Lani: Customers can expect to LAUGH!!!!! Laughter creates the most endorphins in your brain and we laugh! You can get the best yoga of your life or sit on your mat and pet goats, and we don’t judge. All I know is everyone, really, everyone, leaves HAPPY!

What’s the plan for the future? Any plans to expand?
Lani: My plans are so many! I would like to expand the business area further down my property. Plans to add more shops with clothing, accessories, antique truck, and toys, and of course goat and farm specialty products. We plan on expanding our party and event services including full party and event packages. The practice of yoga is very important to me. For this reason, I have added Yin Yoga and Vinyasa to our schedule. These classes have goats, but they are more mellow. I hope to spread the message of yoga to everyone that comes to the farm. I will also be teaching an animal husbandry course for Head Heart and Hands Homeschool enrichment program that will be going in across the creek this fall.

Goods and Goats Market San Juan Capistrano - popbuff.com

What words of advice can you give to young entrepreneurs?
Lani: Be present, be well within yourself, breathe and move through your life. My advice to any young woman wanting to start her own business is simple. Find what makes you special – your product special. Make a complete plan. Don’t get discouraged, life is hard. Be ready to work night and day. Doing what you love every day is a blessing so do not give up!

For more info about goat yoga and Good and Goats Market events, click here!

Goat farm goat yoga San Juan Capistrano - popbuff.com
Spencer Freibrun at Goods and Goats Market - popbuff.com
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