I am delighted to introduce to you, one of my favorite social media influencers and bloggers Caroline Juen, author of Love & Loathing Los Angeles. How did I find her? When I was doing a google search on one of these hip restaurants in Los Angeles that I will be featuring on my blog, Caroline’s name appeared with her snippet review. I followed her on Instagram and was really impressed with her visuals – fashion and all those LA goodness. I wanted to go to the places she talked about on her blog …. a lot of LA hidden gems which is truly inspiring.
And so, a couple weeks ago we finally met in person during the special fashion event at Macy’s South Coast Plaza. Clad in a red suit, she looked fantastic.
Now, let’s dive into the life of a social media influencer with this Q&A.
Popbuff: What was the deciding factor you want to be a blogger/social media influencer?
Caroline: My deciding factor was actually having the intention to someday write a book, so having the blog/social media was a way for me to one day achieve that! I cant say I set out intending to blog, but I am happy that it’s become such a wonderful creative outlet, and hopefully someday I’ll still write that book.

Popbuff: Why did you pick LA as your focus?
Caroline: I picked LA as my focus because I always felt like LA was so amazing and that it had so much to offer, but that it could still be rather intimidating. I wanted to be that “friend” in the city that anyone could count on to help them find their “thing”, their neighborhood, their community, etc. LA is so big, it’s tough to navigate so it’s nice to have someone on your side – especially someone who has made an entire career around discovering “anything and everything in Los Angeles”.
Popbuff: What was the most exciting moment of your influencer career?
Caroline: I have had a lot of exciting moments, I think any time a brand I admire or a restaurant I love recognizes my efforts and wants to partner that that is the most gratifying feeling in the entire world. Not to mention, any time someone says that they’ve taken a suggestion of mine and enjoyed XYZ place/activity, that makes everything worthwhile. It’s so important to me to create community within this community, however small or large, and to make sure that we’re collectively trying to make it a wonderful place.

Popbuff: What was the most difficult part of your career so far?
Caroline: The most difficult part of my career was getting started and sticking with it during the tough times. It’s easy to give up on your dreams when you cant see the “how”, but I am glad I stuck to my guns! These days the tough part of my job is the ever tiring comparison game, worrying your enough, or if you’re doing enough – sometimes being freelance you can become your own worst enemy, but again that’s something I work through! Because at the end of the day, I love what I do, and nothing is going to get in the way of that.

Popbuff: What words of advice you can give to young people who would like to be an influencer like you.
Caroline: The best advice I can give to someone wanting to enter the space would be to have a clear idea of who you are, what your purpose is, what you have to say, and why YOU have to say it. Write a mission statement for yourself! When things get tough never forget where you came from and why you’re here. (This blog post might help spell that out a little more! https://loveandloathingla.com/2018/10/blogging-truth-beginning/ )
Follow Caroline on Instagram, Love and Loathing Blog.
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